Happy Friday! If you follow me on Instagram, than you probably saw my countdown to...September 1st! We are so excited!! I know the kids will be jumping for joy right into the pool as soon as we get there!

I can't wait to see all the flips and tricks the kids (and adults) do off the diving board! I keep saying that I've outgrown my flipping days, but we shall see if that's really true...

I'm so excited I could do a back flip, maybe!
There won't be any wasted time getting the ball rolling on the remodel and turning this house into our home! In true Ashley fashion, I'm confident I'll show up with my car FULL of stuff and start moving in, as I'm unlocking the front door for the very first time!

The painters and the countertop demo guys are scheduled to begin Tuesday morning. We also have an appliance delivery scheduled bright and early, at 7am!
This week, I've been finalizing our furniture selections. The chairs I wanted for the family room are out of stock. I purchased a different sofa and was hoping to order matching chairs, but come to find out, this line of furniture is being discontinued. I'm going to put the sofa in the room, then decide on Plan B (actually Plan C) for the chairs!

I ordered this shower curtain and these custom signs for the kids bathroom. The tic tac toe Pinterest project will be a fun DIY project for J! Haha!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! We have baseball and cheer practices, and Talon has his first football game of the season on Saturday! #ilovefall
Until next time...
Live with what you Love,